Side effects when the process Wean infants and the solution

Wean is the process of stopping the activity of feeding in infants. The period of weaning can be done at any time, depending on the readiness of his mother. Generally the period of weaning occurs when infants aged 1 year and up to two years. Although it's time, but the process of weaning generally leave the side effects are quite impressive for the mother. Therefore, it is worth doing a gradual weaning process so that the side effects are not so disturbing the mother and baby.

Roughly what sich side effects that occur when the process of weaning takes place, refer to the following information:

• Breast Swelling

When the process began to stop breastfeeding, BREAST MILK production does not mean that you will stop. Because your breasts need some time to stop producing breast milk. At that point, usually the mother will feel swollen breasts and pains resulting from BREAST MILK is not issued. You can pull out a little BREAST MILK to reduce any discomfort.

• Inflammation of the breast/Mastitis BREAST MILK duct/dead ends

Rabies can cause a sensation of pain in the breast. To overcome this problem, you can gently massaging your breasts or breast with cold compresses an unused water/ice. But if the pain and heat the more agonizing, you could be taking certain drugs to reduce pain, for example: analgesic, paracetamol, and others. Or if you want more security, you should first consult a doctor.

• Feeling sad and anguished

When breastfeeding, maternal body secretes prolactin which have a function to launch the BREAST MILK and bring tranquility and excitement on the mother. In the process wean, automatically the hormone thinned so that sense of sad and languish'd crawled on the feeling of the mother. To resolve it, the mother can still establish the closeness with the little one and comfort her little one though it may feel disappointed with the decision of the mother to his weaning.
Of the side effects mentioned above, certainly the most harrowing is when the breasts swell and pain. The condition usually lasts for two to five days. Must be very agonizing and make mom uncomfortable, for it to check out the fix here:

• Do not empty the breasts

Empty the breast can indeed reduce swollen for a while, but subsequent thus can stimulate the mammary glands to produce more BREAST MILK. That's right, take out a little bit just to reduce any discomfort.

• Give cold compresses on the breast to reduce pain

Swollen breasts often cause pain and severe effects. To reduce the pain, you can use: breast compresses an unused rag moistened water ice, frozen vegetables, moistened, diapers and so forth.

• Use the traditional way to cope with swelling and pain

The traditional way many selected, because the minimal side effects and proved to be much help to reduce problems when the process of weaning. Some materials that are useful in the process wean, among others:
 Pala to solve the breast swollen and inflamed. Here's how IE remove the contents of the nutmeg and boil until tender. Puree the nutmeg, then wrap it with a patchwork. Dip into leftover stew last warm water and DAB at the area swollen breasts repeatedly until healed.
 jasmine flowers to stop the discharge of breast milk. The trick with delicate jasmine flowers, mashing and then paste on the breast up to several times.
 Leaves chilli for deflating a swollen breast. The trick with mashing leaves chilli to taste, then given a little whiting, laluoleskan evenly on the breast.
The process wean does require a lot of sacrifice, because it was the preparation of a mature and good communication between the mother, the baby, and the family will really help launch everything.

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