Foods that Increase breast cancer risk

Dangerous diseases including breast cancer and deadly that threatens all people, especially women. Breast cancer can strike anyone at any time, and therefore women must be vigilant and understand properly what triggers breast cancer. In addition to the factor issue, it turns out that the lifestyle has also become one of the causes of breast cancer.

Unhealthy lifestyles, including taking any food that is difficult to digest the body causing an unusual cell growth. Therefore, it's good the women immediately switched on a healthy lifestyle and avoiding some foods or drinks that trigger the growth of breast cancer. What are some foods that increase the risk of breast cancer? Refer to the following information:


As we know, the major cause of breast cancer is due to the high hormone estrogen in the body. The habit of drinking alc*hol causes increased levels of estrogen in the body which increases the risk of breast cancer. In addition, alc*hol mingled with the blood, by the liver will be parsed into asetaldehid which are carcinogens resulting in the production of cancer-causing cells has increased. As a result, both breast cancer as well as others will be difficult to pass.


There are opinions that mention if caffeine is not the cause of breast cancer, but caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea, and more can increase the risk of benign breast tumors.


Soybeans including food nutritious vegetables high, however some sources say if consuming soy products may increase the risk of breast cancer. It caused the hormone estrogen content-phytochemicals in soy can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. Therefore, for women who have already had cancer, it is recommended to avoid consumption of soy products because it can aggravate the condition.


Sm*king is a health-damaging habits included, including one trigger breast cancer. There is not the slightest advantage obtained from the smoke, therefore it is worth immediately stop the habit of sm*king

Fried foods

Fried foods in the high temperature and the use of cooking oil repeatedly became one of the causes of cancer, including breast cancer. Fried foods in the high temperature will make his nutritional unraveled and reacts with an amino acid that produces carcinogenic compound which is carcinogenic.

Red meat

Some sources mention if excessive eating of meat and cooking techniques that are not right it can cause breast cancer. To that end, it is advisable to eat white meat that does not trigger cancer, such as chicken and fish.


Fatty foods can lead to obesity and several other diseases, including breast cancer is one of them. Therefore keep your weight balanced with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.
Hopefully with understanding food causes breast cancer, women can be more aware of the importance of maintaining healthy life patterns.

Tags :
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breast cancer foods to avoid estrogen positive
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