Learn about the causes and how to overcome the crust On baby's Head (Cradle Cap)

Generally the baby will be born clean and smooth her skin is smooth and soft. But it turns out that there is a certain part of the body of a newborn baby with a crust of stubborn, namely: head. The crust commonly referred to as dandruff, refuse was, and more. Do not consider trivial crust on baby's head, because if left can be dangerous and extends to the whole body. Actually, what was the cause of the baby's head in the crust? In the medical world, the crust on baby's head are known as seborrhoeic dermatitis, which is inflammation of the areas rich in oil glands/sebaceous glands, skin or fat.

The Crust On The Baby's Head (Cradle Cap)

The crust on baby's head there is a heavy and a light there. If his condition is mild or yellowish scales form then known as dandruff. Conversely, if conditions in the form of scales that blackened and thicken then it is called as cradle crap. This condition should be immediately addressed, because it can spread to areas of the body which is rich in oil glands, for example: eyebrows, the folds between the mouth and nose, chest and throughout the body.

The cause of the crust on the baby's scalp

As a mother, no doubt they want to know, what is the cause of the rise of crust on baby's head. If the age of the parents used to say if the condition is caused due to pregnant women love eating fatty foods and greasy. But the fact remains unclear, because of the medical side is also not yet known the exact cause. But at its core, the condition caused by dysfunction or disorder in the functioning of the oil glands on the hair.

The Fix:

Although the crust on a baby that is not severe may be lost on its own when infants 8-12 months, but it feels uneasy also if you see a baby smooth skin stained by the presence of the crust. In addition, if the crust can be left at risk of causing a severe skin disorder. To overcome this problem, you can use baby oil. Here's how:
Apply baby oil on the body part that crusty while massaged gently, then let sit several hours before dirt softened
You can use the special baby comb or brush gently. Comb or brush gently until crust loss.
After the crust is clean, you can wash your baby's head as usual until clean.
If there is still a crust, you can repeat it the next day. But remember, do not use sharp objects or fingernails to scratch crust, fearing it can hurt the baby's skin.

The crust on baby's head should look out for

Though seem trivial and could be overcome, but you have to stay alert especially if the crust accompanied by signs of infection, such as: red rash and the baby was fussy. Check with your doctor immediately in order to get a proper handling. Okey dech, hopefully the above information can be beneficial for all of us.

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