You Are Skinny? Beware of 5 This disease risk

It's no secret anymore if excess weight can cause a variety of health disorders are at risk of starting to heart, stroke, cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes. But it's not that healthy people should have a thin body, because the owner of the thin body too vulnerable exposed to disease. There's even a study that says if a person who has a thin body or trim is equally harmful to people who are overweight. Skinny here could be interpreted as less weight due to lack of time the muscle but instead has excessive levels of fat in the body. In this condition, the body of a slim/skinny thus have the levels of triglycerides, blood sugar and high blood pressure.

Probably not many know, what was the cause? It turns out that being trigger live style, for example: someone whose lack of exercise, unhealthy eating patterns, like Sm0king, and other unhealthy behavior. Well, that we are all more vigilant, we recommend that you check out 5 risk of disease that afflicts people who are thin-bodied, the following:

1. Heart attack

Although the body lean, but if the levels of triglycerides, blood sugar and high blood pressure as well, then he will be exposed to a high risk of a heart attack.

2. Diabetes

Although thin, but if someone has a large waist circumference size or protruding, he is also at risk of suffering from diabetes. Skinny here instead of fat-free body composition, quite a lot of fat. Well, the fat deposits in the body that which resulted in insulin resistance. When insulin no longer able to control blood sugar, then someone is going to be difficult to avoid the risk of diabetes.

3. Anemia

The lack of keeping the intake of nutrients, especially iron on skinny people make it a risky experience disease anemia or less blood.

4. Osteoporosis

Although obese people are at risk of suffering from osteoporosis, but not that skinny people are free from risks. Because it turns out that vitamin and mineral deficiencies in people experiencing bone caused quite the thin fragility to osteoporosis.

5. liver/Heart Problems

Thin-bodied people who have a tendency of bringing more fat in the heart and liver organ. This not only caused health problems in the heart, but also the heart.
Nah loh, so which one is better, overweight or skinny? The most appropriate course has a body that is healthy and disease free. Hopefully the information titled You Bodied skinny? Beware of This disease risk 5 above can be beneficial for all of us.

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