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Ladies, It's The Causes Of The Real Cancer

LifeSmart - "Doctor, what is the cause of my cancer?" For doctors, this question is often confusing. Some of the population risk factors are known, but with regard to specific cases, only assumptions can be given. Even so, scientists have an increasing understanding of the mechanisms underlying tumor development. Although some are still very polemical.

Two US researchers have recently sparked controversy with their research on the role of "fate" in cancer. Their latest article is published in the prestigious March issue of the journal Science. The researchers, Christian Tomasetti and Bert Vogelstein of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, point out that the disease is less dependent on heredity (a genetic predisposition) and environmental risks (such as smoking, or exposure to asbestos) than in random mutations (such as errors DNA replication) that arise spontaneously in cells when splitting and reproducing throughout our lives.
In other words, "luck" has much to do with it. In a 2015 article, also in Science magazine, they have been researching the frequency of cancer in different tissues in the human body. For example, the lifetime risk of lung cancer is 6.9%, compared with 1.08% risk of thyroid cancer, even less risk for brain cancer and other cancers.

Cancer is more common in the colon than the small intestine

These differences are generally associated with greater exposure to specific tissues against various risk factors such as tobacco, alcohol, and ultraviolet light. But this does not explain why in the digestive system, for example, the colon is more often exposed than other organs. In fact, the small intestine (between the stomach and the large intestine) is much more exposed to substances that cause mutation than brain cells, but cerebral tumors are three times more prevalent.

This paradox also applies to hereditary malignancies. Although the same genetic mutation is responsible for colorectal tumors and intestinal tumors, the latter is much more rare. However, in mice with mutations, the tendency is reversed: they develop tumors in the small intestine more often than in the colon.
Hence Tomasetti and Vogelstein put forward the hypothesis that the cause may lie in spontaneous mutations that take place during stem cell division (undifferentiated cells). In humans, stem cells are updated at a higher rate in the colon than in the small intestine, whereas in mice the opposite is true. The more often the cells divide, the higher the risk of errors in the process of copying DNA. This could explain the difference in cancer frequency in organs that are equally exposed to heredity and environmental risk.

The rate of tissue update associated with higher cancer risk

Their study of the alleged link between the number of stem cell divisions in a particular tissue throughout life and the risk of cancer in the area shows a strong correlation. The higher the rate of stem cell renewal, the higher the cancer risk in the tissue. These results, based on data from the American population, are supported by a second study published in March this year, which found the same average correlation in 69 countries.
The two researchers then began to isolate the effects of spontaneous mutations from other, derivative and environmental risk factors. They point out that the majority of cancers are caused by "bad luck" -in other words, by random spontaneous mutations. "Luck" even plays a significant role in cancer where environmental causes are so believed, such as the causes associated with smoking.
The results of the research have caused quite a bit of controversy because it can encourage us to believe that encouraging citizens to behave in a healthy way - such as quitting smoking and eating lots of vegetables and fruit - is not as important as we think it has been. The data of the two researchers were even reviewed by a separate team, which found luck did not play such an important role.

The effects of oxidative stress on DNA

Keep in mind that scientific literature in microbiology, directly related to cancer research or not, offers an abundance of articles on DNA mutations and damage. In an article published in 2000, American scientist Lawrence Marnett analyzed the effects of oxidative stress (attacks on our cells by reactive oxygen species, or "free radicals") and found these effects far more significant than those associated with carcinogenic substances. And, oxidative stress is not the only cause of DNA damage, as can be seen in a 2004 summary of Roel De Bont and Nicolas Van Larebeke.
In an article published earlier this year, Anthony Tubbs and Andre Nussenzweig stressed that every human cell's DNA experiences about 70,000 wounds per day. We will not live long if the body has no way of correcting those mistakes, especially if all those errors encourage us to develop tumors. It is important to remember that tumors only appear after several control mechanisms fail.
At first, the normal repair process of damaged DNA cells must fail. Then, it can reproduce in a haphazard way, meaning it in principle must have influenced the genes responsible for cell duplication, or that governs the duplication. Damaged cells also must pass the programmed self-destruction is naturally known as apoptosis) and the vigilance of the immune system, whose job is to eliminate foreign elements and elements of other disfungional.
Cell contact with external or internal mutagen is thus only one step in the long sequence of failures that must occur before a tumor can develop.

The role of stress

In the discussion phase of the role of "bad luck" in the appearance of this cancer, it is appropriate to notice the special role played by individual stress, the subject of my work Stress and Cancer: When we attach Plays Tricks on Us (De Boeck). Every step towards cancerous cells is sensitive to stress and stress hormones. Hence chronic psychological stress, which is currently primarily caused by psychological stress, can be considered a direct cause of cancer. I need to add, however, there are still open disagreements on this issue.
Chronic psychological stress in fact does accelerate cell reproduction, including telomere shortening, "hood" that protects our chromosomes from wear. This phenomenon is revealed by the research of Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering telomerase. The more these differentiated cells multiply, the higher the risk of random mutations of their DNA. In addition, more and more differentiated cells grow old and die, the more stem cells divide to make new cells, heightening the risk of developing cancer.
But that's not all. Through the neuroendocrine process, psychological stress also affects oxidative metabolism, DNA repair, oncogen expression and production growth factors. This raises common problems associated with chronic inflammation and loss of effective immune function, as can be seen in the studies cited in my book.
Controversy "bad luck" that surrounds and Vogelstein Tomasetti study provide new food for thought. They point out that, according to the Cancer Research UK organization, 42% of cancers can be avoided by changing the environment and lifestyle. In France, the national cancer institute reported a similar ratio to preventable cancers. This number is high and not as low as expected. Does this mean there is nothing to do with about 60% of other cases?
What is clear, Tomasetti and Vogelstein suggests ways to fight the "bad luck". They suggest, among other things, the use of antioxidants in cancer prevention. Given the dangerous process run by stress, protecting one's psychological health is also an effective weapon to fight cancer.

Sorce : vemale.com

Have a Family History of Cancer? Do It 3 Things To Avoid

Lifes Smart - Cancer is an increasingly common disease of today's society and not an easily curable disease. If you have a family history of cancer, unfortunately you also have the potential to have the same cancer.The triggers and causes of cancer mostly start from the lifestyle. That's why it's important to maintain your health and apply the right lifestyle to avoid cancer, especially if you have a family history of cancer.
Elizabeth Boham, MD, said that how to prevent cancer can vary each person, because of differences in genes, causes and environment. But there are so many things he recommend that everyone can do to prevent cancer.

1. Eat a healthy diet

This is the basic rule if you want to be healthy, eat fruit, vegetables and avoid fatty foods, fried foods and other junk food. Choose foods full of nutrients with good quality and fresh. Choose vegetables and fruits with different colors, protein and healthy fats.

2. Reduce unhealthy and toxic environments

Toxic environments can be interpreted such as high pollution, cigarette smoke, friends who invite a late-night hangout with alcoholic beverages. Elizabeth said that this bad habit can disrupt metabolism and increase the risk of cancer attacks.

3. Regular exercise

Everyday already sitting in the office? Go home, do not forget sports. Always have time to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, five days per week. Not only can strengthen insulin resistance, but also make you have a slim body, muscle trained, fit and immune the body strong.
That's what you can do to prevent cancer when you have a family history of cancer, ladies.

Symptoms of Heart Attack Often Ignored Women

LifeSmarts - Heart attacks kill 3.3 million women in the world every year and many women die from other heart-related diseases. In the United States, nearly 290,000 women die from heart disease in 2013-or one in four women's deaths.

Meanwhile in Australia, a recent report found more than 31,000 women die of heart disease each year, far more than 12,000 women who die from the most prevalent types of cancer, such as breast cancer.
How about Indonesia? Ministry of Health data in 2013 estimates that more women diagnosed with doctors have coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. This is more than men. Estimates are 1.22 million women compared to 1.07 million men.
Although more men than women are admitted to hospitals each year in Australia due to heart disease, the number that dies between the two sexes is the same. This is because heart disease is less recognizable among women than men as a result of its unusual symptoms and the fact that it is less likely for women to seek immediate medical help.
A new study in Australia also found that women from lower economies are 25 percent more likely to have a heart attack than men from the same socioeconomic background.
Over the years, the importance of women's heart health does not come to light. This is only beginning to emerge in the last decade. In 1997, only 30 percent of surveyed American women were aware that cardiovascular disease (including heart disease and stroke) was the leading cause of female death. Although there are various media campaigns on this, that figure rose only to 50 percent in 2009.

Symptoms are different

Both sex (sex) and gender should be considered when discussing heart disease in women. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, there is an important difference between the two. Gender refers to the properties of organs, whereas gender determines socially determined roles, behaviors, and expectations.
It is only now that we begin to understand gender-based differences in women with cardiovascular disease, because for many years women have not been included in clinical trials. Factors that increase the risk of heart disease, as well as the ways the disease manifests, may differ between women and men.
Common risk factors in both sexes include high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity. But diabetes due to pregnancy, premature delivery, high blood during pregnancy, and the effects of breast cancer treatment are typical factors that occur in women.
Having autoimmune problems can also increase the risk of heart disease. And because more women than men have autoimmune problems, this factor is more relevant for women.
Similarly, mental illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more prevalent in women. Researchers are increasingly interested in the link between psychological factors and heart disease, especially in women.
The sooner a heart attack is treated after it occurs, the less likely the heart muscle is eroded and then the risk of death and disability is less likely. For both men and women, the most common symptom of heart disease is chest pain. But women may experience unusual symptoms such as shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, and nausea. Women may also feel symptoms associated with the chest but in different places with men such as the neck, jaw, and back.
Unusual symptoms among women sometimes lead to a misdiagnosis of a heart attack. The reason of the different symptoms is heart disease among women has a pattern that does not hinder the coronary arteries (the vessels that provide blood to the heart)
Women are more often diagnosed at an older age
Heart failure occurs when the heart does not pump enough blood to the body and usually appears in the form of fatigue and difficulty breathing. Heart failure in women usually appears at older ages.
Women are also twice as likely as men to experience a type of heart failure known as "heart failure with preserved ejection fraction" or HFpEF. This condition is associated with higher mortality and reduced quality of life. Blood pressure t

10 Powerful Tips To Avoid The Risk Of Deadly Cancer

Cancer that claimed the life of famous artist Julia Perezdan suffered by several Indonesian artists as well as other world this is one of the most deadly cancer. It is also a malignant cancer that shows no specific symptoms in the early stages. Until cancer patients can recognize the symptoms after the bleeding is great or unnatural also other symptoms in the late stages.
There are several major causes associated with cancer risk. Whether it is for cervical cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, brain cancer and various other cancers. Each type of cancer also shows symptoms that are not the same with each other. For that, it is important for all of us always apply a healthy lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.
Quoted from prevention.com page, there are some powerful tips to avoid the risk of deadly cancer. Here are at least 10 tips that we can apply.

Healthy Food Consumption

Be sure to always eat healthy foods. Expand the consumption of vegetables and fruits are also other natural foods. Although not fully guarantee the body to avoid the risk of cancer, the consumption of healthy foods at least can reduce cancer risk by 50%.

Avoid Bad Habits Smoking

"Smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, impotence and fetal pregnancy disorder" Here's a warning sentence that's always in every pack of cigarettes. Yes, harmful chemical compounds in cigarettes are believed to trigger a variety of deadly diseases one of them is cancer. For that, be sure to avoid or abandon bad habits of smoking so that the body is always healthy and protected from cancer risk.

Avoid Carsinohenic Compounds

Generally, the compound is often referred to as formaldehyde can be encountered on motor vehicle fumes, on sealant products, benzene, asbestos and the like. These compounds can increase the risk of cancer and facilitate cancer cells to develop also attack the body. So, try to always avoid this compound.

Consumption of Rich Foods Vitamin D

Various foods rich in vitamin D as well as morning sun rays are very good in boosting the immune system. Well-fulfilled vitamin D also allows the body to always avoid the risks of many deadly diseases one of them cancer.

Reduce Consumption of Saturated Foods

Various foods that contain saturated fats and have an appetizing savory taste are very difficult to resist. But remember, although very tasty and tempting, this food is dangerous for the health of the body. Levels of saturated fat in foods that enter the body can trigger obesity, heart attack, colon cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer.

Keep Weight, Make Sure Not Obesity

The condition of obesity can trigger a variety of deadly diseases including cancer. For that, try to make a healthy diet and maintain weight in order not to be obese.

Sports Routine

Be sure to do regular exercise and gestures enough to keep the body fit, protected from various diseases and protected. Exercise can be done from the most simple exercise that is jogging, gymnastics or yoga. Protect yourself from cancer risk with regular exercise.

Enough Rest

Try to have enough rest every day. Ideally, a person has 6 to 8 hours of rest for a day and a night. Do not let you have a bad habit of sleeping late to avoid the risk of cancer and other deadly diseases.

Avoid Stress Mind

Mind stress can lower the immune system. Stress can also adversely affect the pattern of everyday life. It can even increase various diseases including cancer. So, be sure to be calm, patient, happy and avoid excessive stress.

Make a Vaccine

Vaccinate the body with vaccines associated with infection prevention. Hepatitis B vaccination can reduce the risk of liver cancer and HPV causes cervical and uterine cancer.
Those are some powerful tips to avoid the risk of deadly cancer. Hopefully these tips useful. Be Healthy and be happy yes?

Source : vemale.com

Top 10 Healthy nutritious Foods for toddlers

A balanced diet containing all essential nutrients help the child to grow stronger, higher and faster. A complete nutritious meals for toddlers is indispensable, since it is mainly to assist the proper growth and development. Many toddlers who experience stunted growth, or even a few defects due to lack of nutrition. Healthy foods for babies and toddlers certain foods that should be included in the diet of toddlers, to support the development of a complete in its entirety as follows.

Beware of Soursop Leaf side effects for health

Who could resist sich freshness soursop fruit? Soursop fruit meat does not just have a taste that fresh, but it also contains many essential nutrients for health. In addition to the fruit, soursop leaf is also commonly used to treat a variety of diseases, ranging from cancer, diabetes, uric acid, bisulan and others. In soursop leaves there are important compounds, namely: linoleic acid, anonol, annomuricin, acetogenins, annocatalin, muricapentocin, annohexocin, and many more. Some of these compounds are very useful for improving the immune system and certainly help treat the disease. Despite the many benefits in soursop leaves, but that does not mean we should be redundant, because it turns out that there are side effects that are worth a watch.