8 Advantages of sweet violet, One Anti-cancer

Sweet Purple including one type of tubers that were quite popular, because an awful lot of snack products that use the staple Sweet Purple, such as: cake, pudding, chips, doughnuts, and more. The selection of Sweet Purple is not without reason, as it turns out the sweet purple does have many advantages over other types of sweet potato. In the purple Yam there are various nutrients content, from getting carbohydrates, fiber, betakaroten, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and many more.

If during this you underestimate the purple Yam, then we recommend that you check out some of the advantages of purple Yam which we shall share the following:

1. Nourish the digestive tract

In the sweet purple anthocyanin content there are antioxidants and increase good bacteria for the digestive tract.

2. Improve your immune

The content of antioxidants in purple sweet potatoes not only nourish the digestive tract, but also enhance the immune system.

3. Preventing Diabetes

Sweet potatoes contain fiber and complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. There is even some research that says if a purple Yam beneficial reducing blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in people with diabetes or diabetes.

4. Maintain eye health

Vitamin A and betakaroten in Sweet Purple is very beneficial for maintaining eye health, while vitamin C and E help prevent degenerative damage.

5. Lowers high blood pressure

The color purple on purple sweet potato showed high content of antioxidants in it, which include: carotenoids, and anthocyanin phenolic acids. In addition, in the ui, there is purple high potassium content that all of it was very rewarding reduces high blood pressure.

6. Maintain your weight

Purple Yam is rich in natural fibers which fills the stomach longer so it is great for those of you who are on a diet.

7. Preventing and treating cancer

There is a purple Yam in anti cancer high content, such as: anthocyanin, a powerful sianidin and peonidin inhibit cancer cells. Wherever possible the purple Yam consumption still fresh due to the womb anticancer therein still intact.

8. Antiradang/bitter taste

Consuming Sweet Purple regularly can reduce the risk of inflammation or an inflammation in men and also damage DNA.
After knowing the diverse advantages of sweet violet above, You still reluctant to consume sweet? Hopefully the above information can be beneficial for all of us.

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