Please free the body from cholesterol by seven of these delicious food

Have you ever felt the symptoms are not usually on the body, for example: foot feels pain, neck feels heavy, often sleepy, nail discoloration, or other symptoms? Beware, lest you suffer from high cholesterol. Cholesterol in the body is arguably the silent killer because it comes suddenly and unwittingly precipitates and is piled up. A build-up of cholesterol in the body not only threatens the health, but the impact is deadly. 

High cholesterol should be immediately addressed with lifestyle and a healthy diet and exercise. Among the large number of different types of food that helps cope with excess cholesterol, there are 7 good food that is proven to help lower bad cholesterol levels in your body, among other things:

1. Tempe

Tempe contain Niacin that help lower LDL and raise HDL. In addition, tempe also contains isoflavones that act as antioxidants that prevent damage to blood vessel walls. However, to get improved, make sure that you processing tempe correctly, for example: avoid coconut milk and cooking oil.

2. Marine fish

Sea fish rich in omega 3 fatty acid content which are good for lowering cholesterol levels, such as: old, salmon, mackerel, etc. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids also help prevent blood vessel blockage and lowers triglyceride levels so as to nourish the body. (Cooking Tips Vegetables so Gorgeous and healthy-colored)

3. Strawberries

Fruit strawberries not only delicious, but also rich in antioxidants that help to lower cholesterol levels.

4. Green tea

Theanine content in green tea is very nutritious boost good cholesterol and prevent a buildup of bad cholesterol. Drink unsweetened green tea on a regular basis every day so that the body more healthy and free of cholesterol.

5. Apple

Apple including one lowering cholesterol can you consume each day. Try taking along his skin, as the skin of the Apple contains antioxidants and potent pectin decreases the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

6. Wine

The wine is rich in fiber and vitamins that are good for health. In addition there is wine in nutritious substances catechins decrease the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and help prevent blockage of blood vessels.

7. The bean tree

Nuts are rich in omega 3 fats and antioxidants that help to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and help rehabilitate damage arteries due to fatty evil. Among the types of nuts are highly recommended here, include: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.
In addition to those mentioned above, there are still many other nutritious foods help to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and help keep your health, include: Avocados, tomatoes, and more. Hopefully the above information can be useful to all of you.

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