Causes of Sole Pain After waking up and how to overcome it

Never experienced pain in the sole of the foot or the heel after waking up? The condition is often considered to be due to the high levels of uric acid, but the sole of the foot pain after waking up is one characteristic of the condition of plantar fasciitis or inflammation of ligaments that support the Arch of the foot. The ligaments that support the Arch of the foot between the heel bone or connecting with the toe bones are referred to as the plantar fascia. When the plantar fascia stretch, then often experience long-duration will be weak, swollen and experiencing inflammation. The condition which then trigger pain in the heel or soles of the feet when wake up, after a long sit, stand, and walk.

Who is at risk of experiencing Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis commonly experienced by someone aged between 40 – 60 years. However, it does not mean You are still young are not at risk of experiencing it, because of plantar fasciitis can also be caused by several factors, including: obesity, work that is resting on the foot, the shoe does not fit, a form of mechanical legs (missal: the foot arch, excess ceper, jalan raised, and more), many activities that are resting on the heels (for example: aerobic, Ballet, running long distances, and others), and much more.

The symptoms experienced by sufferers of Plantar Fasciitis

Compared to males, the disease of plantar fasciitis is more often afflicts women. This disease can strike one leg or both. The sufferer will experience some symptoms that are quite harrowing, among them: the soles feel pain after waking up and feels stiff, but will be reduced when created. Even so, the pain will grow worse if you stand long, climbing stairs or doing activities that are resting on the heels.

How To Resolve Plantar Fasciitis

Though seem trivial, but these conditions should immediately be addressed so as not to cause more severe injuries. As for the simple ways that can be done to resolve Plantar fasciitis, is:
• Adequate rest
• Reduce activities that burden away, for example: cut down the road or sport weight resting on feet
• Ice Compress on the feet
• Do not direct the walk after waking up. Sit down for a moment, if the need to do a soft massage on your feet so that the circulation of blood.
• Use of footwear is soft and tender

If there is not also improved, then ...

If all the efforts already made, but the results are not also improved, you should immediately check with a doctor or the nearest hospital to know accurately the cause of foot sole or heel pain. Usually the doctor will give you anti-inflammatory drugs, special injections, physiotherapy, corticosteroids, or surgery.
Well, already know what khan became the sole causes of pain after waking up and how to handle it? Hopefully the information entitled causes of Sole Pain After waking up and the fix above can be beneficial for all of us.
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