The heart is a vital organ of the body which serves to drain all the blood and filter dirty blood. If the heart cannot function properly, then entire organs will stop operation and can cause death.
Unfortunately, in the middle of an unhealthy lifestyle like this now, appear various heart diseases that harm such as coronary artery disease that causes myocardial infarction or commonly known as a heart attack could ended with death. Not to mention there are heart failure, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, and congenital heart problems. Everything sounds horrible.
Unfortunately, in the middle of an unhealthy lifestyle like this now, appear various heart diseases that harm such as coronary artery disease that causes myocardial infarction or commonly known as a heart attack could ended with death. Not to mention there are heart failure, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, and congenital heart problems. Everything sounds horrible.
Hence, how to detect the disease early on? One of them is by considering whether the jantungmu is working well or not passing the sign below.
- When you feel pain in the chest accompanied by a sense of the weight of the moment breathe. Unfortunately many people are mistaken that this is heartburn. And the pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing, pounding heart, dizziness, sweating, and nausea.
- When you feel that there is something heavy pulls a muscle in your chest. Or when blood flow in the heart did not go well.
- As you have just done a light activity but you feel shortness of breath.
- When you suddenly experience sleep disturbances which led easily you feel tired, sweating, and nausea. This could be an early sign of heart disease.
So, if you experience any of the above? We recommend that you check with your doctor before your welfare late and result in bad
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