Six characteristics of the Stool which Showed the existence of a serious illness

When bowel movements (chapter), have you ever noticed a stool out? Most people ignore it, but from the stool comes out we can detect disease and other health problems as well. Hem, may sound weird huh? But that's the reality, the stool is the rest of the bowels which can provide information about the existence of problems in the stomach, intestines or other parts of the digestive system. Some research suggests that even when a person is suffering from a disease, then it will automatically be followed by changes in her stool was, good shape, color, texture and aroma as well. So, not only is the urine to detect the health, but from the stool, we can quickly detect a variety of health problems in the body. 

Early knowing disease or a variety of health problems in the body will be much better than the late, because that way we can immediately perform the treatment. Well, in order for more details, refer to the information about the Six characteristics of the Stool pointed out the existence of serious illness:

1. odd-colored Stool

Beware when you remove the stool has a color that is suspicious, because it could be a sign of certain diseases, for example:
• The green color, which shows that there is a problem in the gallbladder, bacterial infection or inflammation of the intestines. However, don't be too excessive am because the color green on the feces can also occur if the live vegetarian lifestyle.
• Red, shows that there is bleeding in the intestines or the area around the anus, for example disease ambeien, polik, and more.
• Black, indicating the presence of bleeding in the stomach or throat
• White, which indicates the existence of health problems on heart disease, for example: hepatitis.

2. The form of the stool is not reasonable

Healthy stool has a cylindrical and often not too hard and not too soft and not cause pain when removed. It is therefore immediately beware if Your stool suspicious forms, for example: such as goat droppings that indicate You had cancer, colonic diarrhoea who shows that there is a problem of intolerance.

3. Feces slimy/greasy

Another form of stool should be look out for is if the slimy or greasy. These conditions show that your body can not absorb fat and could be an indication of disease of the pancreas.

4. The smell of feces is too rotten

Stool has a distinctive smell awful. Even so, there are feces that smelled very foul and sting. The condition should look out for, especially if it is followed by the feces color is reddish or blackish. Immediately consult a physician to get certainty.

5. Constipation that never heal

Constipation is often caused by a variety of things, such as: less fiber, less drinking, consumption of certain drugs and lack of exercise. However, if all of the solution is already done, but the constipation is not recovered, check with your doctor right away because it could be there is a problem in your digestive tract.

6. Diarrhea that never heal

Diarrhea is common due to contamination of bacteria and viruses. However, with a certain herb or medication, diarrhea can be overcome quickly. But soon beware if diarrhea never recovered until many days, since it could be the existence of serious disorders, such as crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and others. Check with your doctor immediately so that immediate medical efforts.
After reading the information above, do not underestimate the feces out Yes, because it could be showing the condition of your health. Hopefully the information titled Six traits that indicate the presence of Stool serious diseases above can be beneficial for all of us.

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